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    a. Molecular formula: C8H10OS
    b. Structural formula:
    c. Molecular weight: 154
    d. Character: Rosiness crystal powder, has special smell, soluble in methanol and ethanol, and insoluble in water, easy to be oxidized by air.
    e. Usage:The product is used as the intermediate of organic compound.
    f. Quality standards:

    Appearance Rosiness crystal powder
    Purity ≥97%
    Content of water =0.3%
    Melting point 54?
    Package: 25KG to each paper barrel.
5.2,3-pyrazinedicarboxylic acid
    a. Molecular formula: C6H4N2O4
    b. Structural formula:
    c. Molecular weight: 168
    d. Character: White or white-like crystal powder, soluble in water, slightly soluble in organic solvent like ethanol and aether.
    e. Usage: The product is used as the intermediate of pyrazinedicarboxylic acid amide.
    f. Quality standards:

    Appearance White or white-like crystal powder
    Purity ≥99%
    Content of water ≤0.3%
    Package: 25KG to each paper barrel.
    a. Molecular formula: C10H15O3PS2
    b.Structural formula:
    c. Molecular weight: 278
    d. Character: Slightly yellow to brown clear liquid, slightly soluble in water, soluble in organic solvent like ethanol and acetone, The specific gravity is 1.25(20?),boiling point is 87?(0.01mmHg)
    e.Usage: The product is used as the pesticide with wide effect, quick result and ling period of remnant effect.
    f. Quality standards:

    Item First-grade Second-grade Milk Oil
    Appearance Slight yellow to brown clear liquid Slight yellow clear liquid
    Purity ≥95% ≥90% >50%
    Content of water <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
    Acidity(H2SO4) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
    Package: 200KG to each iron barrel.
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